Well dangit.. i was thinking my CD4 would have been part of my test last week but i guess it was just Viral Load. But good news.. My viral load is down to 901 from 669,000. Dr. C said that treatment is normally considered a success if after 2 months the VL drops 10-fold which would have beeen 67000... so that much of a drop means that maybe by next month i'll be in Undetectable range. But now i have to wait another two months to find out about my CD4.
Official weigh in was at 134 pounds. Up 20 pounds from a month ago.. which is good and bad... it's the most i've ever weighed in all my life. But, i'm also going to have to start watching what and how much i eat.. Something i've never had to do before.
I can't keep gaining 5 pounds a week. I'll be a total blob in no time.
Dr. C thinks i should see a rise in CD4 next test at the end of July. And then, if it's high enough, I'll be ready for some vaccines that he wants me to have.